Country: Maldives
Closing date: 30 Jul 2016
Terms of Reference for International consultant
to develop a framework for provision of quality alternative and flexible learning programmes for vulnerable and Out of School Children in the Maldives.
TOR Reference Number: TOR/2015/05
Programme Information
CPDOutput 1.4: Alternative education system for the most vulnerable children established and operational.
Activity 1.4.1: Framework for provision of quality alternative and flexible learning programs developed by end of 2016.
While Maldives has attained Universal Primary education (94.4% in 2013) and further achieved high rates of enrolments at Lower Secondary education Levels (92.3% in 2013), enrolment at higher secondary still remains a great challenge, with huge implications for adolescents (23.9% in 2013). There is no robust data on school attendance and drop out, drop-out rates for lower secondary level (for Grade 7) is higher for boys than for girls. Rural children drop out of school at Grade 7 more often than children in Male’. While there is no data suggesting that these children are not getting education, it is assumed that some of these children are migrating to Male’ or to other islands for secondary and higher secondary education. Existing data suggests that adolescents who come to Male’ for education, without parental supervision are at risk of abuse and exploitation by their host families and communities. This pose a great barrier to many adolescents, especially adolescent girls living in small islands to seek secondary education. Official data from the Police, the Juvenile Justice Unit and the Ministry of Law and Gender also suggest that some adolescent boys migrating to Male’ often are exploited for criminal purposes and do not regularly attend school. Approximately 95% of Children in conflict with the law reported to authorities are not in school (Juvenile Justice Unit, 2015). While the exact number of children out of school is not yet known, The Census 2014 suggest that there are about 622 children between the age 6-15 years who are not in school. The no of children out of school between 16-18 years is not known.
Formal education systems have been the traditional means of developing children with knowledge and skills for a responsible life. However, children who cannot access the formal system such as children detained for investigation of a criminal act or serving a custodial sentence, and children who have never enrolled in school or have dropped out of school also need to be reached with alternative learning programs to grant them their right to education. Failure to do so results in high incidence of drug abuse, crime and violence and risky sexual behaviors among adolescents and young people – a waste of potential capital for the country.
The Ministry of Education has trailed an accelerated learning programme and catch up programme for a very small number of out-of-school children in a state care institution, however, requires the enabling frameworks to further develop and sustain the programme.
The TVET Authority offers a number of certified technical and vocational programmes and a number of young people are enrolled in these programmes. But they are not necessarily tailored for children between ages 7-18 years who are out of school.
2.Purpose of assignment
UNICEF is seeking the technical support of an international consultant to develop the policy and programme frameworks for provision of quality alternative and flexible learning programmes for children out of school. The International Consultant will work in close collaboration with a national consultant (to be recruited by UNICEF) and in consultation with Ministry of Education.
For the purpose of this assignment the following working definitions are used.
Alternative education programmes:
It is an umbrella term which includes a variety of different certified non-formal education programmes, accelerated learning programmes, flexible schooling programmes and second chance education programmes that reaches out to children between 6-18 years, who for different reasons have not been admitted into, or who have dropped out of the formal education system, and provides them with
Out of school children: Children of school age (7-18 years) in the Maldives who are not in primary or secondary education either because they were never enrolled in school or have dropped out of school. Children in non-formal education are considered out of school. (This groups might include diverse groups such as children with disabilities and not in schools, children in conflict with the law and children in custodial facilities.)
Non-formal education: Education that is institutionalized, intentional and planned by an education provider. The defining characteristic of non-formal education is that it is an addition, alternative and/or complement to formal education with in the process of the lifelong learning of individuals. It is often provided to guarantee the right of access to education for all. It caters to people of all ages but does not necessarily apply a continuous pathway structure. It may be short in duration and /or low intensity and it is typically provided in the form of short courses, workshops or seminars.
3.What is the basic project objective to which the consultancy is related?
The basic objective of this project is to introduce alternative, flexible and inclusive learning programmes equivalent to conventional primary and secondary schooling and accredited and certified by the Government, for children who are out of school to acquire functional literacy and numeracy skills as well as competencies and life skills required to have improved life choices and live safe and dignified lives, thus fulfilling their right to access quality education.
The specific objectives of this project are to:
a) Develop the policy and programme framework for provision of quality alternative and flexible learning programs (ALPs) in the formal and/or informal education system to reach out to children out of school.
b) Develop quality ALPs for out-of school children.
c) Develop a quality assurance mechanism for the ALPs.
The consultancy will be conducted in two phases.
4.Duty station: Male’, Maldives as needed and Home base
5.Major tasks to be accomplished
Major activities
No. of working days
PHASE 1 – Development of the policy framework
1- Develop an inception report for the assignment
The report must outline the understanding of the tasks, including a detailed methodology, tools and conceptual framework to guide the overall process and implement the assignment. The report must also have an agreed schedule of work to produce the deliverables.
2 working days (in Male’ /Maldives)
Approximately between 15th Sept – 16th Sep
1-Inception report
2- Conduct a review of existing alternative and flexible learning programs / strategies for children out of school.
· Review existing literature including policies and programme documents on alternative and flexible learning programs/ strategies for children out of school.
· Conduct discussions with children who are out of school (girls and boys) to identify: the reasons why they are not in school (drivers of exclusion), their learning needs and preferences.
· Conduct stakeholder meetings to identify the existing programmes, their delivery strategies and characteristics, scalability, strengths, areas of improvement and results attained so far.
· Identify capacity gaps in the policies institutional capacities.
· Conduct discussions with children participating in these programmes and their parents and teachers to seek their views and needs.
· Prepare preliminary findings of the in-country reviews
14 working days (in Male’ /Maldives)
Approximately between 19th Sept – 5th Oct 2016
1- Literature review report
2- Report on the findings of the discussions with children and stake holders
3- Report on the analysis of policies and institutional capacities
4- Present the preliminary findings of the in country reviews to the MoE and stakeholders.
· Conduct a review of strategies employed by other countries with similar country contexts who have successful alternative education models.
· Based on the findings of the review and stakeholder consultations, propose a set of flexible learning strategies / concept of providing alternative education that would address the issue of out of school children in the Maldives.
· Draft the Final report with recommendations.
· Finalize the report and submit to UNICEF Maldives and MoE for approval.
10 working days from home base 10th Oct -20th October 2016
1-Concept paper on the proposed model of ALP suitable for Maldives, including a comparative analysis of ALPs / flexible learning strategies used in other countries with similar contexts..
2-Final report on the review
3- Develop the policy and programme frame work for the provision of alternative learning and flexible learning strategies for children out of school, based on the agreed model/concept.
· In consultation with MoE, identify the elements in the policy framework (namely, the goal, objectives, content and process and the implementation strategy).
· Draft the policy framework.
10 working days from home base
Approximately from 31st Oct – 10th Nov 2016
1-Final draft of the policy framework
PHASE 2 – Development of alternative / flexible learning strategies /programmes.
4- Design the strategies / programs for alternative education for children out of school and the accreditation and certification procedures for the programmes
· Based on the agreed policy and identified needs and preferences of children out of school and other stakeholders ( government officials, teachers and parents) draft the alternative and flexible learning programs
· Validate the programs with stakeholders
· Finalize the programs with inputs.
32 days from home base
Approximately between 1st Feb – 15th March 2017
1- Draft set of programs
2- Report on the validation of the proposed programs with stakeholders
3-Final draft of the alternative education programs for children out of school.
4-Draft of the accreditation certification procedures.
5- Provide a TOT to MoE officials and selected trainers from schools on implementing the alternative and flexible learning strategies / programmes in schools
· Develop training materials
· Conduct the TOT.
10 working days (in Male’/ Maldives)
Approximately between 20-30th March 2017
1- Training materials
2-Report on the training with recommendations
6.Estimated duration of contract
It is estimated that the project will take up to 78 working days between 17th September 2016 – 15th April 2017. 2016.
7.Official travel involved (itinerary and duration)
Travel to Male/ Maldives for the tasks based in Male’ with internal travel to selected island if needed.
8. Qualifications or specialized knowledge and/or experience required A Master degree in Education/ Social Sciences, or other related field
· At least 12 years’ experience in working in the non-formal/alternative/inclusive education
· At least 8 years’ experience either in designing or implementing Second Chance Education/non-formal/alternative/inclusive education.
· Experience in developing feasible policy recommendations to resolve complex issues
· Experience in conducting desk reviews, sample surveys and broad stakeholder consultations.
· Must have sensitivity to diverse opinions and difficulties arising from differing social and cultural perceptions.
· Effective facilitation skills and communication skills in English
· Excellent English writing skills
Interested applicants should submit an Expression of Interest along with an updated CV, technical proposal and a price proposal quoted in USD.
The Technical Proposal should include but not be limited to the following:
§ Detailed understanding of UNICEF requirements
§ Detailed Methodology/Approach to project demonstrating how you meet or exceed UNICEF requirements for this assignment
§ Project implementation and work plan (including a time line) showing the detailed sequence and timeline for each activity and deliverable
§ Project dependencies and assumptions
§ Quality assurance mechanism and risk mitigation measures put in place
How to apply:
Expression of interest and proposals must be submitted via the link below:
by **30th July 2016. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.**